What's Going On Here?


Welcome to "River Runs Wild". I started this site to have a creative outlet during a time of transformation. This is the first post and the first time I've ever shared so freely and personally from my life. In the upcoming year I intend to share aspects of my life with the utmost honesty, vulnerability, and freedom as possible. One of my goals for this year ahead is to be a beacon of strength through others by sharing my experiences with authenticity. This is the place that I intend to complete that goal.

Who Am I?

I am someone who is about to embark on a journey of self discovery and exploration. At the start of this journey I am 29 years old and living in Milwaukee, WI. I am a business owner, spouse, muscle junkie, nutrition geek, gamer, and I'm a nonbinary trans man. This is the first year of my full on gender transition and I am so grateful to be at this point in my life. I call it "full on" because my transition really started at the moment that I reached a sense of clarity about my gender identity, that was in March of 2016 (read about how I came to a sense of clarity here), but it's 2017 that will be a big year for my gender transition.


This site will serve as a posting ground for a lot of different types of content, not just content relating to my transition. Any content that is related to my transition is part of an ongoing project that I'm calling "Endowed". This project will explore all aspects of my gender identity and transition, from physical changes to social encounters and beyond. It is a multimedia project that has been spinning around in my head since I started embracing my gender identity and exploring it. Each project that is part of Endowed will be tagged and easy to track. The goal is to express the emotional journey as well as the physical using a combination of words, images, journal entries, videos, and milestones.

Why Am I Doing This?

When I had my moment of clarity about my gender identity, I immediately began to seek out sources of information and support. One of the most helpful resources that I've had has been people's personal blogs and YouTube channels. Hearing stories that resonated with mine was a huge sigh of relief. It also was a friendly reminder that I was on the right path. Beyond being an emotional support anchor, these channels were also really informational. I'm so thankful to everyone that has shared their story with bravery and honesty. Endowed is a way to pay forward that "thank you" and to also provide another source of support for others that are struggling with issues like anxiety, depression, and gender dysphoria.

What to Expect

I have to be straightforward with you all... I've never blogged. I also haven't really shared my personal writing that much and I definitely haven't worked with video before. "River Runs Wild" is a little scary for me but it is exactly why I'm doing it. This will be the place where I talk about fears, loves, lessons, heartache, emotional growth, and more. I'm excited to be embarking on this journey and glad to be sharing it with the world.

If you have questions or comments, feel free to leave them along the way. Criticism is great and I can handle it if it's constructive, so let er' rip. This is just the beginning... great things to come.

For updates on new blog posts, follow me on Instagram and Facebook. To message me directly, click here to go to the contact page.