Posts tagged body hair
1.5 Years on Testosterone - FTM Transition Update

This video recaps the last 6 months of my transition (from February 2018 to August 2018). I go over physical changes, medical updates, life updates, and a general catch up on what I've been up to!

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11 Months on Testosterone - Video Update - FTM Transition

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 11 months on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone).This video starts with physical changes, followed by mental changes, and life updates. The video ends with some photo comparisons.

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10 Months on Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 10 months on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone). This video starts with physical changes, followed by mental changes, and life updates.

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9 Months on Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 9 months on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone). This video starts with physical changes, followed by mental health updates, and life updates. The video ends with some photo comparisons.

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8 Months on Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 8 months on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone). This video starts with physical changes, followed by mental health updates, and life updates. The video ends with some photo comparisons.

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8 Months on Testosterone - FTM Transition Update Journal

It's honestly a little surreal to be at 8 months on testosterone. Sometimes I still feel like I'm back at the beginning and filled with the unsteady feeling of embarking on something big. Over these past 8 months I have grown considerably. Yes, physically I've grown but as a person I have changed.

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5 Months On Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 5 months on hormone replacement therapy (testosterone). This video starts with physical changes, followed by mental changes, and life updates. The video ends with some voice and phone comparisons.

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4 Months On Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 4 months on hormone replacement therapy.  This video starts with a general update on my mental health and how I've been doing. This is followed by a discussion on how I've been "passing" lately as male in public and my thoughts on the experience. 

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12 Weeks On Testosterone - HRT Update

The last 2 weeks since my previous update have been a little up and down. For the first 10 weeks of hormone replacement therapy, I can honestly say that my dysphoria was doing really good. Going on T definitely has helped ease so many aspects of my gender dysphoria and I know that I am on the path to elevating it even further. In the aftermath of coming out to my professional network... some stuff got stirred up and my dysphoria has been creeping in lately.

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10 Weeks On Testosterone - HRT Update

Wow, the past two weeks have flown by and they have been full of changes... both physically and in my life. The last update I did was at my 2 months on T mark. I'm now at 10 full weeks on hormone replacement therapy and these were the 2 weeks full of the most changes.

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7 Weeks On Testosterone - Video Update

This video is part of my transition update series and it marks 7 weeks on hormone replacement therapy. I start the video talking about the physical changes that I have been experiencing. These include facial hair growth, body hair thickness, changes to my cycle, and voice changes. 

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