Posts tagged program
Workouts - BULK Series Week 5

These are the actual workouts that I am using during this bulk. This is my second 12 week bulk of 2019. Follow along with me and see what it’s really like to build muscle. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see weekly episodes.

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Workouts - BULK Series Week 4

These are the actual workouts that I am using during this bulk. This is my second 12 week bulk of 2019. Follow along with me and see what it’s really like to build muscle. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see weekly episodes.

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Workouts - BULK Series Week 3

These are the actual workouts that I am using during this bulk. This is my second 12 week bulk of 2019. Follow along with me and see what it’s really like to build muscle. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see weekly episodes.

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Workouts - BULK Series Week 2

These are the actual workouts that I am using during this bulk. This is my second 12 week bulk of 2019. Follow along with me and see what it’s really like to build muscle. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see weekly episodes.

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Workouts - BULK Series Week 1

These are the actual workouts that I am using during this bulk. This is my second 12 week bulk of 2019. Follow along with me and see what it’s really like to build muscle. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to see weekly episodes.

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Strength in Numbers - Results from One Year of Bulking - 2018

The results of my 2018 bulk and training are in! Find out how much strength is possible to gain in just one years time and the methods the ensure gains all year long.

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Strength in Numbers - FTM Fitness, One Year of Bulking

I get asked a lot what I did to start training and putting on muscle. I point people to my blog because all I have is my own experience. I've never trained anyone else, but I've documented ALL of my progress. This post shows the numbers of my success and what I did to achieve them.

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Shoulder Workout for Mass, Definition, and Size - FTM Fitness

This shoulder workout is phenomenal at achieving a definition boosting pump. If you push yourself and go as heavy as you can (while still maintaining good form and steady movements), you will definitely notice a difference in the way your shoulders look by the end of this workout.

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Supplements: What I Take for Bodybuilding & Wellness

When looking at supplementation, I try to keep in mind what the actual term means and find the holes in my diet. Those nutritional holes can be filled with supplements. It is important to do research when buying and taking supplements. Beyond just reading what others have to say, your body and personal experience is going to be the most important factor. Try different things and always track how you feel. Learn from personal experience what is working best to enhance your performance, recovery, immunity, energy, mental health, and overall wellbeing.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 2 Results

Phase 2 was all about digging for deep motivation. The thrill of Phase 1 wore off and this became work, but by focusing on strengthening my mind more than anything... I was able to achieve all my goals. During this Phase I also received a lot of positivity, motivation, and encouragement from people on social media. This was a great motivator and made me realize that I can inspire and give back to others. These interactions reignited my fire to show others what is possible when you commit to something and give it your all.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 1 Results

Wow, did I learn a lot on this bulk. This first 12 week phase was so beneficial to learning about my body and fitness. My goal was to put on size and I definitely accomplished that. I was able to gain 1lb a week, up my bench press by 20 lbs, and increase my caloric intake by 600 more calories a day. Throughout the bulk though I learned a few other things...

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - FTM Fitness

This bulk program is going to be challenging for me because I have a hard time with being "fluffy". Anytime my body fat goes up, especially around my waist, my dysphoria kicks up. I struggle with this and it is a hurdle to overcome. I know I want to gain size, strength, and muscle mass but getting there requires a bit of puffiness and less of a lean/tight look. This will be my battle... allowing myself to gain weight and finding the mental peace with it.

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Training Plans - Chest Workout

This chest routine is a beast. It hammers the chest muscles until they are completely depleted. This is my one workout where I sometimes struggle to complete the lasts sets because my muscles are so done by the end of the routine. It is extremely effective though.

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3 Week Cut to Lean Program

After completing 9 weeks of a "cut diet" with cheat meals at least once a week and next to no cardio, I decided it was time to try something different for the last 3 weeks of my cut programming.

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