Posts tagged meal plan
Full Day of Eating - Vegan Plant Based Bulking

This post shows a typical day of eating for me on my current bulking diet. My current diet is plant based and vegan. No meat and no dairy. My meal plan and macros are based off my goals of putting on 1-1.5 pounds a week of mass (mostly lean mass but fat is inevitable). These calculations are based on weekly weigh ins and my macros are adjusted according to the weight I'm gaining.

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Dark Chocolate Protein Pancakes with Berries

My love of pancakes continues... they are my go to post workout meal. Protein pancakes make a great post workout because you get a nice rush of carbs and easy to digest proteins. Plus, they feel very rewarding.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 2 Results

Phase 2 was all about digging for deep motivation. The thrill of Phase 1 wore off and this became work, but by focusing on strengthening my mind more than anything... I was able to achieve all my goals. During this Phase I also received a lot of positivity, motivation, and encouragement from people on social media. This was a great motivator and made me realize that I can inspire and give back to others. These interactions reignited my fire to show others what is possible when you commit to something and give it your all.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 1 Results

Wow, did I learn a lot on this bulk. This first 12 week phase was so beneficial to learning about my body and fitness. My goal was to put on size and I definitely accomplished that. I was able to gain 1lb a week, up my bench press by 20 lbs, and increase my caloric intake by 600 more calories a day. Throughout the bulk though I learned a few other things...

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Blueberry Buckwheat Pancakes

These pancakes were made for dinner after I found big 2lb containers of blueberries for only $3 each!  I ate those blueberries for 4 days straight and loved every minute of it. Try these pancakes out the next time that you find beautiful fresh blueberries at a good price.

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Vegan Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Pancakes

I use cacao and dark chocolate almost daily in my diet. Cacao is full of health benefits including a high amount of iron and calcium which if you aren't eating animal products, you may be lacking. Honestly, I just love the flavor. It's especially good with the slightly salty taste of peanut products. I like to use the PB2 Powdered Peanuts with Premium Chocolate when having rich chocolatey foods to give a nice mix of flavors. This pancake stack is vegan, low fat, healthy, and great for a busy day ahead.

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Cacao Galaxy Oats

Wake up with a gorgeous bowl of swirling goodness with these oats. I love combining the melty goodness of dark chocolate with the crunchiness of cacao nibs. These oats are boosted wit some hidden strawberries and all the healthy benefits of cacao.

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Green Mountain - Quick Plant Based Dinner Recipe

Green smoothies and green juice seem to be the rage of how to get in your greens, but for me... I'd rather just eat my vegetables in their true form.... like this mountain of veggies.

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Vegan Gluten Free Chocolate Strawberry Pancakes

There's something about the combination of chocolate and strawberry that seems so decedent. It can't possibly be good for you, can it? Oh, but it is! If you ever have a sweet tooth or want to impress someone with a romantic breakfast, these are the perfect stack to do just that.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - FTM Fitness

This bulk program is going to be challenging for me because I have a hard time with being "fluffy". Anytime my body fat goes up, especially around my waist, my dysphoria kicks up. I struggle with this and it is a hurdle to overcome. I know I want to gain size, strength, and muscle mass but getting there requires a bit of puffiness and less of a lean/tight look. This will be my battle... allowing myself to gain weight and finding the mental peace with it.

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Sweet Potato Banana Protein Pancakes

A stack of desert like goodness that is very high in protein and has a great protein to carb ratio. The recipe is also high in fiber and plant based nutrients, both are usually missing in traditional pancake recipes.

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Struggle with Over Consumption

Any act of consumption can quickly turn into a way to shove down feelings, anxieties, and fears. Whether it's a case of beer or a case of donuts, items that we consume can quickly turn into sources of go-to gratification.

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3 Week Cut to Lean Program

After completing 9 weeks of a "cut diet" with cheat meals at least once a week and next to no cardio, I decided it was time to try something different for the last 3 weeks of my cut programming.

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