Posts tagged veggies
Cauliflower Hash Recipe - Super Versatile!

This recipe is super quick, super easy, and very versatile. It utilizes fresh cauliflower as the base and then is customizable from there with whatever you have in the fridge.

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Full Day of Eating - Vegan Plant Based Bulking

This post shows a typical day of eating for me on my current bulking diet. My current diet is plant based and vegan. No meat and no dairy. My meal plan and macros are based off my goals of putting on 1-1.5 pounds a week of mass (mostly lean mass but fat is inevitable). These calculations are based on weekly weigh ins and my macros are adjusted according to the weight I'm gaining.

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5 Simple High Protein Vegan Recipes Using Fake Chicken

Whether you're vegetarian, vegan, or just trying to eat more plant based foods... these recipes hit the mark. These are all meals that I make regularly and I usually eat them for lunch. They are so fast to make that there is no need to cook them ahead of time, but they are also friendly for meal prep and great for a reheat. Each recipe is high in plant protein and low in unhealthy fats.

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Simple Vegan Sweet Potato Soup

This soup was made on a night where the weather was just starting to drop and I wanted a big plant based bowl of nutrition. This recipe is crazy low in calories and plant based. Only 234 per 4 cup serving! Serve this one alongside bread or a sandwich. 

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Vegan Cheesy Rice with Smokey Tempeh and Veggies

This low calorie meal is full of flavor and the high volume of veggies makes it very satiating. It packs a nutrient dense punch with nutritional yeast, tempeh, and greens.

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Rainbow Stir Fry with Black Bean Noodles

Stir fry is one of those dinners that I crave. I crave the loads of vegetables, chewy chunks of protein, and whatever bed of rice or noodles it lies on. For this variation, I went away from traditional soy sauce or ginger flavors and used a smokey tomato sauce instead. The result was a warm, rich, and saucy bowl filled with Vitamin C and lots of protein... both great for recovering from a long day or hard workout.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 1 Results

Wow, did I learn a lot on this bulk. This first 12 week phase was so beneficial to learning about my body and fitness. My goal was to put on size and I definitely accomplished that. I was able to gain 1lb a week, up my bench press by 20 lbs, and increase my caloric intake by 600 more calories a day. Throughout the bulk though I learned a few other things...

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Tofu & Tempeh Scramble with Smoked Tomato Sauce

This recipe is a great way to start your day with a healthy dose of protein and is nice when you need a break from sweet breakfast items.

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Green Mountain - Quick Plant Based Dinner Recipe

Green smoothies and green juice seem to be the rage of how to get in your greens, but for me... I'd rather just eat my vegetables in their true form.... like this mountain of veggies.

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