Posts tagged oats
Full Day of Eating - Vegan Plant Based Bulking

This post shows a typical day of eating for me on my current bulking diet. My current diet is plant based and vegan. No meat and no dairy. My meal plan and macros are based off my goals of putting on 1-1.5 pounds a week of mass (mostly lean mass but fat is inevitable). These calculations are based on weekly weigh ins and my macros are adjusted according to the weight I'm gaining.

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German Chocolate Cake Oats

Some mornings I wake up really hungry. It's usually after a long training session the day prior and my body wants more and more food to recover. On those mornings, I take my oatmeal and go overboard with it. To add calories and nutrients, I add in items I normally wouldn't. These add ins are still very healthy and good for you, but they tend to be higher in calories and fats than I usually eat. The morning I made these, I spotted a bag on unsweetened coconut flakes and thought... aw yeah, German Chocolate Cake!

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Berry Blues Oatmeal

Summer is wrapping up quick and it's the last chance to get in as many berries as you can... unless of course you freeze them. This recipes doubles up on blueberries and blackberries for an extreme antioxidant boost.

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Chocolate Raspberry Oatmeal

Sometimes breakfast is a rush but other times it is a slow way to start the day. This bowl is perfect for those types of days because it's too good not to slow down and savor. These oats are perfect for summer when raspberries are in peak season and cheap.

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Strawberries and Cream Oats

For these Strawberry and Cream Oats, I upped the protein by using a vanilla protein powder and paired it with cooked in strawberries to create a creamy and sweet serving of oats.

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Everyday Bulking Oats

This oatmeal recipe is my go-to morning breakfast. I eat a variation of this almost everyday. Sometimes I vary what superfoods I put on top or mix in. Sometimes I use the cacao and sometimes I don't. If I want to be 100% plant based, I do not include Greek Yogurt. Overall, it's a vary adaptable recipe and is a great way to pack in a big number of nutrient dense calories to start your day of bulking.

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Quick Blueberry Oatmeal Bowl

Berries are nutrient dense, hydrating, and have lower carb numbers by volume than just oats. My favorite berry to cook into oats is the blueberry. Blueberries add a lot of juicy goodness to your oatmeal bowl and cook very easily. Next time you cook oats, throw in some blueberries for a nutrition boost.

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12 Week Bulk to Gain Lean Mass Program - Phase 1 Results

Wow, did I learn a lot on this bulk. This first 12 week phase was so beneficial to learning about my body and fitness. My goal was to put on size and I definitely accomplished that. I was able to gain 1lb a week, up my bench press by 20 lbs, and increase my caloric intake by 600 more calories a day. Throughout the bulk though I learned a few other things...

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Superfood Chocolate Strawberry Oats

Whenever I find large containers of berries on sale, I buy a lot of them and use them for days... in everything. Whatever I can't use, I just freeze. This is a great way to keep costs down and get in all the nutrients that berries provide. Berries also boost something that most fruits don't, lower carb and calorie content. Try this recipe out the next time that you have a lot of berries on hand.

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Peanut Butter and Jelly Vegan Protein Pancakes

This stack hit on all levels... taste, texture, macros, sweet to salt, goop to pancake, and it had visual appeal. Take it back to grade school days with the homey vibes of a classic peanut butter and jelly... at only 500 calories and 30g of plant based protein.

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Cacao Galaxy Oats

Wake up with a gorgeous bowl of swirling goodness with these oats. I love combining the melty goodness of dark chocolate with the crunchiness of cacao nibs. These oats are boosted wit some hidden strawberries and all the healthy benefits of cacao.

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Apple Oats - High Volume Low Fat Protein Oatmeal

I make a LOT of oatmeal. Somedays I want a more decedent dessert like bowl (actually that's most days) but on other days, I want a really filling bowl with a lot of food in it. That's where boosting the volume of your oats comes in. Instead of using more oatmeal to make more food, I utilize fruit as the filler.

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